
Looking towards positivity

We sometimes talk about the ill that has been done to our mindsets with the advancement of time and  technology.But sometimes, while in a thinking process,I think about the super positive things that have been done to our minds by the changing mindsets of people.
We have come out of the age where we had to match our mindsets with that of 10-20 known houses of the society in which we lived.Dare we did anything different,there the eyes of those people would get raised.It almost showed that every society has a "preset book of do's and don'ts" and every house has to abide by that.
But now the story is changing and is changing for the better.People are now correctly using their basic human right to think and believe whatever they feel like.No one has to answer to any of its society members for its different point of view or for taking up a totally different career. 
In fact everyone around is thinking differently without any barriers,without any constraints.
And with the continuation of this we will get,in recent years,a diversified and respecting each other type society and I am totally looking forward to it!!!