
What is your status!!

Now-a-days a new fight has come up amongst the youth-the status fight.Whether a person is single or in a relationship.There are now so many pages on facebook,texts on phones,facebook status' just describing the merits of every status.Every person is trying to give explaination on his/her status i.e if a person is single then why it is good being single and if a person is in a relationship then he/she tries to give his/her own explaination to why it is good being in a relationship.
Now -a-days when we meet  a new person ,even after meeting that person3rd-4th time,the obvious question has become-are you single or you have a b.f/g.f and when a person tells about his/her status then their obvious explainations start-justifying their present situation and why they are happy with it.They start with"Look I am single because......."I am not able to understand why is the need to JUSTIFY???Because at the end everything exists in phases..IF a person is single at that time then it doesn't mean the person wouldn't get into the relationship...he/she would obviously  get into a relation as soon as that person finds the true love.
So guys donot justify your Status!!
Keep smiling:-)


Unknown said...

Yeah really.. don't know in which direction the youth of today is going... justifying your relationship status has become more important even than justifying your character these days.. and showing off on social networking websites is one of the main reasons..
btw nice perception and field of observation.. :p

Unknown said...

Anurag-Very true...Now-a-days status has become more important than character...:)

Unknown said...

i can't find your new post..