

Birthday ,birthday,birthday everywhere,it was birthday celebration going on.I was engrossed  by the birthdays of quite few close friends of mine in the last month.In fact I was thinking I should declare the month as the "birthday month",for me at least.Though I am extremely forgetful in this section.I don't remember birthdays even if I am told about it 3 days before. I often forget my parents anniversaries.But in this crisis Facebook has come to my rescue.It helps me to a good extent.
The best part of this birthday thing  for me,was I was wishing all my friends "happy birthday" in a lyrical way i.e customised birthday poems for each of them and I totally loved this wishing flavour.
In the midst of all these poems,pimp-poms,laughing-joking,celebration scenario I was thinking -which could be the best way of celebrating a birthday?Though I know it depends from person to person but there must be a "good" way of celebrating it.
For some its being with your family and friends.For few its about celebrating alone-thinking about what the person gained and lost that year,what good took place in the last year--total analysis of the past year i.e self introspection.Some believe in celebrating it with NGO kids who actually want happiness and celebration in their life.Those gem of people find solace and happiness in the company of these kids and their smiles.They donate and celebrate the feeling of giving i.e giving to the mankind and proving that they are on this earth to spread the love which they have received  from their parents,the God and surroundings.
There is also one set of people who like spending it as just another day i.e working and not making it a big deal.To them it feels strange and awkward that 1 day in the mid of 365 days people are chanting your name.Such people believe in celebrating everyday a love day and not converting just 1 day into a "lovey-dovey day".So they are happy in this simplicity.
If I talk about myself,I am a mixture of all above.This might  sound a little strange but is true.I am  not a "treat" person who shells out a big chunk of her pocket money on giving treat to highly privileged friends and neither I take/ask for treats.I want to get up on my birthday like any other day,go to work,give donation for the under privileged ,go out for a good dinner(as I love spicy food) and end it with a mixture of all good feelings.I don't want anyone that day looking out for me through messages and phone calls and wishing me birthday.I find it a little strange that 1 day,out of nowhere people call out your name repeatedly and tell you that you are special and the next day everything settles as if nothing happened-back to zero.I don't believe in 1 day wonders.Can only one day we have the privilege to feel special or showcase that other one is special.Can't everyday be a sweet,good and OUR DAY?I am thinking on it though and will try to figure out the answer.
So at the end,I believe that happiness comes only when you feel it,be it alone,or with friends and family or at work or spreading it with small children.But yes the "NGO" way should definitely be given a try.

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